There is so much to be inspired by everywhere I go. Sometimes I run out of ideas when I need them the most but at the moment I am in an inspiration overload. Every book, movie, magazine, website, drive or walk seems to be filled with ideas. Here are a few things I'd like to share with you - 1. Get Out and Play, 2. The Person You Love, and 3. The Fort all by Teagan White 4. Ampersand By Pitch Design Union 5. Floral Artwork and 6. I'm a Dreamer. (I couldn't find the artist name, please tell me if you know so I can credit them).

I'm really looking forward to study starting again next week and can't wait to see what's in store for this year! I'm sure I'm going to need lots of inspiration so I better make the most of it while I can. Can't wait to show photos of the Visual Merchandising work I'll start doing soon.
x Lauren Faith