These colours are too beautiful! From New York Fashion Week Spring 2012.
I can't help myself! Magenta is honestly my favourite colour. Give it to me with other brights like oranges and yellows, or soften it with some hints of gold. I just love it. Below is: Magenta Paint Photograph found on We Heart It, Magenta Ink Butterfly Painting by AMOMA on Etsy, Pink Frost Photo by Mandy Disher on Flickr, Magenta Rug from the Decor8 Blog, and Magenta Bedroom from the Cush and Nooks Blog.
I hope this inspires you to use a bit of magenta around the home or in your next colour scheme :)
As you may have noticed I’ve been working on a new series of paintings
lately. I’ve moved away slightly from my usual style of scribbly
drawings to this lovely hand painted look, and I’ve been SUPER excited
to tell you more about the project!
So, what has inspired all of this?
Well I’ve always enjoyed drawing subject matter and scenes that are
bright and happy, and light up a room. Seeing the positives in life has
always been important to me, and I’ve wanted my artworks to express that
positivity. Then, last year I ran into some pretty big problems with my
health. I’d just gotten married and trying to balance my treatments in
hospital, seeing specialists, and running my own business was quite a
challenge! But I’m happy to say that I never let it hold me back or stop
me from doing what I love. I had a lot of rough days and it’s been
quite a journey, but I’ve stuck it out. And although I’m still on the
road to recovery, I wanted to do something to celebrate how far I’d come
– and to encourage anyone else who finds themselves in a similar
So I decided to paint inspiring quotes and happy thoughts! Some of
these were inspired by my husband and friends, and what they’ve done for
me. Some of them are simply inspiring quotes that I’ve come across.
Either way, I hope that they brighten your day and your home and help
you remember something TRUE :) These original paintings and artworks can
be found in my online store here.
Woohoo! Love Cherish Adore
is coming up all you Brides-to-Be! Not only is it a fantastic wedding
expo but I am excited to announce it is my first time exhibiting with
Love Cherish Adore is a unique and boutique wedding and
special event planning fair where you will find heaps of inspiration for
your wedding, engagement party, big birthday, anniversary, christening
or celebration. Showcasing local handpicked vendors who share a love of
all things retro, rustic and vintage, Love Cherish Adore is set to be a
fair with a difference.
I will be show casing some of my beautiful wedding stationery
on the day and I would love to see you there and hear all about your
wedding! Some of the product I offer includes: Wedding Invitations, Save
the Dates, RSVP cards, Venue Maps, Seating Charts, Menus, Table
Numbers, Name Place Cards & more. Packages will be available on the
day that you can pick from, and I love making custom orders too!
Details are as follows:
Sunday March 30th
Norwood Concert Hall
10.30am - 3.30pm
$5 entry
Below is:
Indigo Rock - 11, 2013 by Jen Garrido

Untitled Work (2011) by Clint Fulkerson
I hope you enjoy these and that they inspire you too :)
PS - I am working on a new series of paintings and illustrations and I can't wait to share more about it soon! For now I am working on some new ideas and I am going to see where they take me. Here is a sneak peek in my online shop!